Thursday, March 6, 2014

Conversation Pit is the Latest Buzz Word for Fire Pit

landscaping idea
So in my daily research on blog topics I come across a lot of interesting DIY backyard landscape ideas, fire pit designs, outdoor living rooms and more. But today alone, I have come across three articles that are using the latest descriptive word for an outdoor fire pit; a conversation pit.

Clever marketing scheme I must say. However, it is as close to the truth as naming a fire pit, well, a fire pit. These backyard additions are quickly becoming a must have in the movement towards creating a vacation destination in your backyard. Fire pits are quickly becoming the focal point of outdoor landscape design and act as a central gather place for food, drink and conversation.

Fire pits are mesmerizing as we as humans are naturally attracted to the flame and can get lost in a gaze as the fire dances in the night. Not only do fire pits act as a source of heat on cool spring and fall evenings, but they are a perfect centerpiece for entertaining family and friends. The natural inclination is to gather AROUND the fire pit, facing one another and engage in meaningful conversation. When we face one another while talking, we feel a sense of community and belonging. You wont get this by watching tv. So why not enhance your outdoor living space with a "conversation pit?"

Natural gas and propane burning systems do not emit the smoke, ash and embers that wood burning fire pits do and can be turned on and off with the flip of a switch. So when you are ready to fire up some conversation around the pit, let us know and well be happy to help you with any and all of your fire pit questions and needs.

landscaping idea photo galleries
landscaping idea photo galleries

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